Marie Duchenne is a perfumer who creates her fragrances with music and enthusiasm.She studied the art of perfumery in Grasse and in the early 2000s, Marie founded her company, MD Fragrances, in the sm...
Sandalwood is a tropical tree that has gained popularity because of its spectacular scent.The main producer of sandalwood essential oil is Australia. The age of the tree must be at least thirty years....
Linda Landenberg is an experienced specialist who has worked in the perfumery industry for many years. Today she creates fragrances in her laboratory.Linda Landenberg fragrances are produced in a smal...
Enzo Galardi recreated Sandalo e the according to recipes from the beginning of the last century.This scent will fit equally for men and women.Sandalo e The attracts with extraordinary oriental woody ...
The incomparable juniper has always been considered as the best way to scare away evil spirits and snakes.The geography of juniper stretches from Central Asia to Scandinavia, North America and the Far...
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