Perfume is like a visiting card: If you use the same scent for a long time, you will soon be recognized and associated with it.If you want your favorite scent to accompany you as long as possible duri...
Kemi Blending Magic 'ilm shows the bulk and immensity of the oud. This scent was created with the using raw materials from different countries.To reveal the versatility and depth of oud here were used...
Jasmin et Cigarette is a subtle scent that celebrates the era of the 80s. It was a time when all the secret fantasies of humanity were embodied in black and white photographs.This fragrance embodies t...
Ylang-ylang is an evergreen tree with a height of 10-40 meters. The plant is native to the Philippines, Malaysia, the Comoros, Java and Madagascar.The sweetness of the aroma of ylang-ylang essential o...
If you have lost smell it is a huge problem not only for those who love fragrances, it is also very uncomfortable for any human being.The disease when you have lost smell is called anosmia. The reason...
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