If you have lost smell it is a huge problem not only for those who love fragrances, it is also very uncomfortable for any human being.
The disease when you have lost smell is called anosmia. The reasons for that can be different: allergic rhinitis or atrophic rhinitis and damage to the nerve pathways (viral diseases).
If the sense of smell is impaired, you should consult an otolaryngologist for treatment.
To restore your sense of smell, you should try to activate the work of the olfactory receptors with a simple and safe exercise. Sniff foods or substances with a strong (concentrated) odor, for example, garlic or coffee, citruses, or strong perfume, for 10-15 minutes every day.
A great exercise is to open the perfume pyramid of your favorite fragrances and try to smell the notes. What can you recognize or not.
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